Right next to the Chancellor’s Office, just around the corner from Berlin’s political circus, there is a tent that has taken on the task to amuse and amaze, and sometimes to beguile the audience.
The TIPI AM KANZLERAMT – a marquee theatre with its impressive four supporting masts, is regarded as one of Berlin’s most exceptional event locations. Whether it is chanson, cabaret, vaudeville, dance, daring artistry, musical comedy or magic, we equally delight our guests visually and audibly as well as their gustatory senses. Our in-house catering service ensures your wellbeing with sophisticated and fresh
At the TIPI AM KANZLERAMT renowned German and international artists perform every evening reviving the intelligent variety theater of the wild 1920s – naturally in a modern setting: artists like Tim Fischer,
Lisa Eckhart and Gustav Peter Wöhler present their latest productions, celebrities such as Gitte Haenning, Dominique Horwitz and Rainald Grebe provide brilliant entertainment, and international ensembles such as The 12 Tenors, The Fabulous Singlettes, or the Venetian master of transformation Ennio are regular performers. In the summer
months, the TIPI AM KANZLERAMT turns into the Kit Kat Club of the 1920s for the highly acclaimed production of CABARET – The Berlin Musical every evening.

The TIPI AM KANZLERAMT has been in Berlin since 2002 and delights with entertainment art on a large scale. The theatre is the younger but bigger sister of the BAR JEDER VERNUNFT. Two tents, one idea - because both "houses" feel committed to the demanding "art of entertainment". The TIPI AM KANZLERAMT is located in a place that is steeped in history for this genre!
Not only was the former "Tempodrom" event tent on the same spot in the cult 80s, which became the epitome of a new generation with its alternative culture - no, already at the end of the 19th century people celebrated their stars here between the summer gardens and the Kroll Opera. And life. Address once as now: "In the tents".

Our matron Marlene Deluxe
Holger Klotzbach
Intendant & Managing Director
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 0
email: info@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Lutz Petrick
Executive Director
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 0
email: info@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Tom Ernst
Events & Executive Director
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 56
email: t.ernst@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Franziska Kessler & Lutz Deisinger
Artistic Administration
Phone: + 49 30 885 692 0
email: booking@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Doreen Leupelt
Head of Marketing
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 11
email: d.leupelt@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Anne Müller
Online Marketing
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 16
email: a.mueller@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Sabine Wenger
Chief Press Officer - Press & Public Relations
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 65
email: s.wenger@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Claudia Trapp
Press & Public Relations
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 66
email: c.trapp@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Ylva Seemann
Ticketing Management
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 51
email: y.seemann@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Marlene Deluxe
Guest Relations
Dirk Schröder
Production Management
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 18
email: d.schroeder@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de
Pia Woldt
Phone: + 49 30 390 665 17
email: p.woldt@tipi-am-kanzleramt.de